Small Group Training and Coaching Program to help you:

Become an Independent Power BI Consultant & Create a Life of Freedom 💸

What is a Life of Freedom?

I was a highly paid employee at one of the best companies in the world.

But did I have freedom? Did I have control over my own life and destiny? I realized that…

❝ Freedom isn’t Money 🤑. Okay, at least Freedom isn’t just Money❞

Now I live a life that I couldn’t have imagined!

A life of freedom 💸 and for me that means math homework :-)

Yes! That’s the first rule of freedom…

❝ First Rule of Freedom: You get to define, what freedom means for you!❞

And for me that is:

  • Spending two months each year in India, to be close to my aging parents

  • Going for a hike every week (on a weekday!)

  • Taking care of my mental and physical health

  • Being able to travel with my family and explore the world 🌍

  • And yes, having time to help my daughter with her math homework 😊

You can 👉 Click here to Read More about My Life of Freedom

But this isn’t about me. What I feel truly grateful for, is how I have been able to help others create their life of freedom.

Introducing our:

Power BI Consultant Program

Make a Great Living, while Living a Great Life! ™

Our premier program to help you: Become Power BI Consultant // Earn a Side or Full-Time Income // Create a Life of Freedom

D O W H A T Y O U ❤️

…and get really really good at it!

M A K E A N I M P A C T 🤝🏽

Use your Power BI skills to help others.

L I F E O F F R E E D O M 💸

Do it all on your own terms! Work where you want, when you want

Join the Waitlist for our Consultant Program 💸

Start Your Journey Now with the Consultant Launchpad 🚀

Join the waitlist for our Consultant Program

Opening January 2024 🎉

Power BI Consultant Launchpad 🚀